{Content Editing}

The hard work is done.

You've done the developmental editing, straightened that kink in your plot, and are excited to publish.

My professional content editing services will provide the polish before sending off for publication.

Wax on. Wax off.


What Is It?

My content editing process focuses on these key areas:

  • Phrasing

  • Language

  • Clarity

  • Syntax

  • Word choice

**Note: Content editing should happen after developmental editing and before proofreading / copy editing, which comes at the very endI

Who's It For?

  • Do you feel good about your story?

  • Are you ready for a fresh set of eyes to help you make it more powerful?

Content editing is a critical step in the book writing process. It differs from both developmental editing and copy editing because it focuses on the technical aspects of your writing.

Your story is pure and authentic and true and beautiful, but if you use too many words, or run on sentences, or too many commas, or or a lot...your story won't impact your readers. (Was that last sentence too meta?)

As a professional content editor, I love helping writers and speakers sculpt language and structure to make their story shine.

What You Can Expect

  • Specific Edits - I'll address the technical aspects of your writing in Microsoft Word with track changes. This document will provide specific notes, examples, and recommendations to enhance word choice, sentence structure, consistent use of terms, and more.

  • Two Manuscript Copies - Receive 1 "clean" copy, with all my track changes accepted. And 1 "annotated" copy with all the notes, comments, and suggestions.

  • Brief Developmental Notes - If I see a section that might need more info from you, I'll add developmental comments.

  • Custom Style Sheet - You'll receive a custom style sheet with the terms and spellings specific to your book. This document is so very helpful when working with a copy-editor or proofreader. The Style Sheet will put everyone on the same page, for example, if you decided to spell "Sacred" with a capital S instead of lowercase.

  • 1 Hour of Phone Support - Lost in email translation? You may have further questions or need clarification on specific notes. Let's talk it out. I love building relationships with my clients through good 'ol fashion conversation.

BONUS - Writing Support Documents - You'll receive immediate access to writing tools I've created ($150 without a package) when you buy a Professional Content Editing package. These tools contain tips, strategies, and examples on narration style, character development, and more, and are designed to help you become a better writer.

Discounted Add-ons - How do you condense your beautiful long form story into a back cover or Amazon summary? I know the tips and tricks used by pros. For an additional $150, I'll write your back cover or Amazon description (originally $250).

Discounted Hourly Support - If you need additional support after the 1 hour included in this package, you'll receive 25% off my hourly rate.


Content editing can help your story shine.

  • Each project receives a custom quote*

  • Typical range - $1,500 - $3,500



2 payments - 50% at beginning, 50% at the end.


*The final quote will be based on both word count and specific needs of your project. Before you receive an offer, I will review your manuscript. If I believe it needs more support, the quote may be higher than the base rate.

{About Laura Thomas}

Laura founded Next Level Story to help authors unlock their stories' true potential. She's an in-demand developmental wizard, er, editor and writer who's helped dozens of writers, speakers, and thought leaders. She's been writing and acting for over 20 years, including 2X Storytelling State Champion (Go Eastview!). Laura publishes around the web daily and is a Top Advice Writer for Medium. Full bio
